" To Remember and Understand"
Hartford, CT
Musicista, sarto, calciatore! Turiddu ha fatto un po di tutto!
Nato nel 1935 Turiddu da piccolo frequentava e "lavorava" in una sartoria locale: non veniva pagato per il suo lavoro perche' imparava dal "mastru".
Se certe volte avevono il coraggio di chiedere la paga, u mastru li inviava da un suo debitore con instruzioni di farsi pagare e se ci riuscivono avrebbero ricevuto una percentuale! A quei tempi il tutto era fatto con un baratto, uno scambio di merci per servizi come il barbiers, il sarto, etc. Denaro in contanti era proprio poco!
Il suo primo tentativo di emigrare ful nel 1953 quando e' partito per la Venezuela con suo padre ma sono ritornati dopo 8 mesi!
In una storia che non coincide con il suo aspetto fragile e amichevole, e' stato squalificato a vita per un incidente di calcio in una partita contro il Noto. E' finita a pugni, l'uomo che lui marcava colpito da un pugno ( non sferrato da Turiddu ) e' svenuto! Richiedono aiuto e quando il dottore entra negli spogliatoi un giocatore del Noto grida: "ma e' lui cho lo ha colpito!!"
Ha trascorso il militare ad Imperia e per alcuni anni ha anche lavorato a Torino.
Nel 1959 e' emigrato in America e iniziato a vivere ad Hartford. Ha giocato al calcio per un po di anni e poi ha iniziato il suo lavoro di sarto in un negozio prima di compare una sartoria da un amico, sartoria che ha gestito fino a pochi anni fa.
Nel 1964 Turiddu e' riuscito a far pervenire i suoi genitori e suo fratello Sebastiano in America.
Turiddu ha due figli e due nipoti!
Musician, tailor, soccer player! Sal has had a variety of interests.
Born in 1935 Sal was a tailor apprentice from his youth ( back when interns were lucky to be allowed to work with " u mastru", expert, and received NO money during that process).
Sal recounts how at times if they asked for money they were told to try and collect a debt owed by a customer and if they were successful they could keep a portion! They did not succeed : fact was not much cash was circulating in those days and merchants would keep a "book" where they recorded services provided and money due on the hope that someday they may be able to collect something ( or get paid in kind with fruits, vegetables, etc.),
He left Canicattini in 1953 to emigrate to Venezuela with his father but they returned after 8 months not liking what they had seen.
In a story that belies his soft spoken and "fragile" look, he was banned for life from playing soccer following a fighting incident against a team from Noto. Things got out of hand, as they often would those days, punches were thrown including one ( not by Sal) which knocked out the player he was assigned to cover in the game. The injured player was taken inside the club house and a doctor called. When he finally arrives one of the players from Noto yells:" Hey, that is the guy that punched him!!!"
Sal would then go on to serve his military duty in Imperia and also spent some time in Torino working.
In 1959 he emigrated to the USA. He continued to play soccer here until 1964.
Soon after his arrival Sal began working as a tailor in various department stores until in 1968 he purchased an existing tailor business from a friend. Business which he operated until his retirement.
Sal's move to the USA would eventually allow him to bring his parents and brother here in 1964.
Sal and his wife Elli have two boys and 2 grandchildren!
Sebby and Sal, 1940!
1940's Sal and a neighbor at the villa.
Banda Musicale a Cassibile circa 1950. Sal is the one on the ground!
Having fun at the villa, circa 1948, Sal with Iano Lenares and Carbone ( not Fino).
With friends Agnello, Cirinna, Miano, Randazzo,Scata e Lombardo. On bike Bonaiuto e Lantieri 1940's
1950: standing, Miano, Pensavalle, Lenares. Kneeling, Lombardo, Scata', Alderucci.
1950, S. Cultrera ( sursuna) , C. Scata' ( u nicu) and Sal Alderucci ( Minzudda).
1948: S. Lenares; S. Amenta; G. Miglieco; P. Cultrera; Sal Alderucci; G. Lenares; Fino Carbone e Vittorio Caraco'
Sal and friends a villa
1952, venezuela, Sal's father and friends.
1953, Sal in Venezuela
Obviously the photographer wasn't an expert since he left out about half the team in this 1954 picture of the Canicattini soccer team! Sal is the first from the left.
1954, Vittoria, with Ganci
1948, Sal Sipala; Alderucci; S. Cultrera; S. Scata e Paolo Scata.
Turi con Sebastiano Agnello, 1950-51
1959, Sal's friends on his wedding day!
Pasqua 1960, saluti dagli amici
Standing: Lombardo, Bondi, F Cultrera, Liistro, cavalieri, Cianci, Alderucci
Kneeling: Caruso, Formica, Lantieri, Ganci, Cultrera
Balnea, USA, 1960. Lenares, Cultrera,Pedacci, Cassarino, Alderucci, Gaqmbino, Cicero and Pantano. Kneeling: Garro, Guild, Sabbia, Caruso, Cirinna and Migliorati.
One more Balnea foto from 1961
Agnello and Sal: they look like trouble!
1995 Sal, Sebby (far right) and Giovanni Ganci to Sebby's right!
1990, "old glories" Sal, Bernardo and Sebby.
Bernardo, Sebby and Agnello.
Sebby, Nano Agnello e Fino Carbone
Hartford, CT